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Monday, March 3, 2014

Academy Awards wrap up

Okay, this was my first stab at an Awards show so here are the winning planetary alignments in the Birth charts for the Academy Award winners [ i picked 1 of 6 correctly ].

12 Years a slave- Neptune @ 2 Pisces, North Node @ 7 Scorpio

Matthew McConaughey- Sun at 11 Scorpio, North Node @ 11 Pisces , Neptune 27 Scorpio, Mercury @ 2 Scorpio

Cate Blanchett- Venus @ Aries, Saturn @ 1 Taurus, Jupiter @27 Scorpio

Jared Lato- Mars @ 29 Pisces

Lupita Nyong'o- Sun @ 9 Pisces, North Node @ 1 Cancer ,Saturn @ 4 Scorpio

Alfonso Cuaron-Mercury @ 23 Scorpio, Venus @ 21 Scorpio Neptune @11 Scorpio

So with the current planetary positions you can see that they all have planets that were aspected by the Jupiter station @ 10 Cancer this week as well as Neptune in Pisces and ,\the  North Node and Saturn in Scorpio.


  1. That's cool. I find it interesting how almost everything can link back to astrology.

  2. Wondering if finding out when the results were actually known (vote complete) would prove a better tool for predictions - just a thought

  3. Yes, that is possible. I think it would be hard to figure out when the voting was actually done however. Good thought for sure though.
