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Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 2014 Energy shift

 Hi there !  How are you ? I told you about 5 weeks ago that the next post I had up would be about a big energy shift headed our way. We’ll we are at that moment now so I wanted to let you all know about the big shift starting today.

Firstly, I will apologize for the length of this but it took a lot of space to go over all of these changes taking place.

I know many of my friends have had a rough go of it lately but I want you to know that your hard work and perseverance is about to pay off if you’ve put your energy in the right places.

Many of you have gone through some ..well downright unpleasant changes since last winter when some of  these transits started. There has been a lot of soul searching , inner analyzation , backing and forthing and well in some cases just plain silliness.

There has been a long introversion period which started late last year and Mars, Venus and the Nodes have been asking us to question where things are out of balance or where you have given up control to someone or something else.

This has all been a process to figure out where we stand in the world , where we are appreciated, what is not working in our lives and where we need to be. I know the frustration level has been nearly unbearable at times as I think we all have felt like we were stuck and could barely make any progress.

I’m not telling you that everything will magically change overnight but the energy shift will be one that we can much more easily manifest what it is that we need in our lives at this point. Many of the walls, barriers and bullshit has been torn down. There are still tasks to be performed and garbage to be taken out but indeed the light at the end of the tunnel may NOT be a train afterall.

So I’m going to ask you a favor now…I know there have been people, jobs, living situations etc., that may have been holding you back. Over these next 2 weeks we have the ability to transform situations that have been stuck for a long time. I’m asking you to give it 1 more try at this time. If you feel you have made every effort to reconcile the given situation then right now is the time to make your break. The energy is behind you now! Go..exhale..breathe..create…manifest!

There is a new reality for all of us just waiting for us to create it. Find the people that love you, find the job that fits your soul , manifest your reality.

So to start off I’ll give you a breakdown of all the general energy shift that’s going on. Normally there are few planetary sign changes every month and maybe a planet changes direction here and there. However between July 12th and 25th nearly every planet and luminary changes sign or direction. That’s several months of activity in a 2 week period.

In this 2 week period we have a Full Moon, a new Moon [ that’s normal ], The Sun, Mercury and Venus change signs [ that’s normal ], but on top of that we also have Saturn and Uranus changing direction on back to back days [ not normal ], Jupiter changing signs [ happens once a year ], Mars changing signs [ normally this happens every 2 months but this time Mars has been in Libra for  8 MONTHS due to retrogrades] and we also have Mars conjuncting the North Node [ happens every 2 years normally].

There are 10 Lunar events, sign changes or planetary direction shifts in a 2 week period. I am going to repeat and bold  this to underscore the massive shift in energy.  There are 10 Lunar events, sign changes or planetary direction shifts in a 2 week period !!!

On top of this there is still the Uranus Pluto square still working in the midst of a Cardinal T- square going on as well ! If you wanted an energy shift you’re not going to get much better than this !

This is in a 2 week period people. The birth chart for someone born July 12th and July 25th  of this year will look virtually nothing alike. The only planets not changing direction or sign will be Neptune and Pluto. This is unprecedented in my recollection.

As with everything else in life Bill Hicks said it best “Don’t  be afraid….ever !”

So here’s some nerdy mathy stuff for those of you so inclined and a very brief description.

July 12 – Full Moon                             7:25 a.m.   2 Capricorn – self accountability

July 13- Mercury enters Cancer          12:45 a.m.  0 Cancer – increased empathy

July 14- Mars conjunct North Node                      24 Libra – new energy patterns

July 16- Jupiter enters Leo                   6:30 a.m.    0 Leo – self actualization

July 18- Venus enters Cancer              10:06 a.m.  0 Cancer- increased empathy

July 20- Saturn stations Direct             4:36 p.m.   17 Scorpio- time to move forward

July 21- Uranus stations Retrograde   10:53 pm    17 Aries- breaking free of old cycles

July 22-Sun enters Leo                         5:41 p.m.   0 Leo- self actualization

July 25-Mars enters Scorpio                10:25 p.m. 0 Scorpio – ends 8 month transit

July 26- New Moon                              6:42 p.m.   4 Leo – self actualization

Outer Planets

Saturn inconjunct Uranus – exact –adjustments needed

Pluto square Uranus T-square – 4 degree orb – change, rebellion, breaking free from what has power over you

Pluto and Saturn in mutual reception – 4 degree orb – self accountability, creating your own, new power structures, transformation.

Cardinal Grand Square reactivated at times as inner planets go through Cancer – change, establishing emotional freedom and inner security by taking away the power from anything or anyone that has control over you

JULY 12TH                                              JULY 26th
SUN-CANCER –WATER                      LEO-FIRE
VENUS- GEMINI-AIR                          CANCER-WATER
MARS-LIBRA-AIR                                SCORPIO-WATER
URANUS-DIRECT                                URANUS- RETROGRADE


Inner planets will trine Neptune [ spirituality ] and then trine Saturn [ physical form/ results ] as they travel through Cancer

Lastly I will also share with you the lessons this  little fishy learned through the
Mars in Libra transit:

1.     Be here now
2.     Interact with your environment
3.     Do fewer things….but  better
4.     Artistically create  balance out of chaos

5.     Use help from others to bring  events to their conclusion

Monday, March 3, 2014

Academy Awards wrap up

Okay, this was my first stab at an Awards show so here are the winning planetary alignments in the Birth charts for the Academy Award winners [ i picked 1 of 6 correctly ].

12 Years a slave- Neptune @ 2 Pisces, North Node @ 7 Scorpio

Matthew McConaughey- Sun at 11 Scorpio, North Node @ 11 Pisces , Neptune 27 Scorpio, Mercury @ 2 Scorpio

Cate Blanchett- Venus @ Aries, Saturn @ 1 Taurus, Jupiter @27 Scorpio

Jared Lato- Mars @ 29 Pisces

Lupita Nyong'o- Sun @ 9 Pisces, North Node @ 1 Cancer ,Saturn @ 4 Scorpio

Alfonso Cuaron-Mercury @ 23 Scorpio, Venus @ 21 Scorpio Neptune @11 Scorpio

So with the current planetary positions you can see that they all have planets that were aspected by the Jupiter station @ 10 Cancer this week as well as Neptune in Pisces and ,\the  North Node and Saturn in Scorpio.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Academy Awards and Astrology predictions

  In general, I rank awards shows just slightly less painful than trips to the Dentists office or a weekend spent in a Turkish prison after a National Holiday. That being said… I am a pisces and being a fish person I do love a little bit of self-martyrdom to balance out my savior complex so I do tune into the occasional award show just to make sure that anyone I like doesn’t accidentally win something and screw up my run of never voting for anyone who has won anything. This also feeds into my love of the underdog as well.

So as you know I love applying Astrology to everything so even though in reality I have limited interest in the Oscars if I can use Astrology to make wild half guesses on it then I’m in!!

I kid though, I watch a lot of movies actually but I have seen few of these as I usually catch movies on DVD .I have not allowed any of my personal preferences here just looked at the charts of everyone in a few categories as a little mad scientist experiment.

Okay enough with babbling are my predictions for  the top 6 categories at this year’s Academy awards ceremony.

The nominees are……

Best Picture
·         American Hustle
·         Captain Phillips
·         Dallas Buyers Club
·         Gravity
·         Her
·         Nebraska
·         Philomena
·         12 Years a Slave
·         The Wolf of Wall Street
Best Actor in a Leading Role
·         Christian Bale (American Hustle)
·         Bruce Dern (Nebraska)
·         Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street)
·         Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave)
·         Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
Best Actress in a Leading Role
·         Amy Adams (American Hustle)
·         Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
·         Sandra Bullock (Gravity)
·         Judi Dench (Philomena)
·         Meryl Streep (August: Osage County)

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
·         Barkhad Abdi (Captain Phillips)
·         Bradley Cooper (American Hustle)
·         Michael Fassbender (12 Years a Slave)
·         Jonah Hill (The Wolf of Wall Street)
·         Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
·         Sally Hawkins (Blue Jasmine)
·         Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)
·         Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave)
·         Julia Roberts (August: Osage County)
·         June Squibb (Nebraska)

Best Directing
·         American Hustle (David O. Russell)
·         Gravity (Alfonso CuarĂ³n)
·         Nebraska (Alexander Payne)
·         12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen)
·         The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese)

Here are my pics which I have ranked by their transits:

Best Actor : Leonardo Dicaprio –Wolf of Wall St.
2.Ejiofor 2 [tie ]. McConaughey  4. Dern  5. Bale

Best Actress: Amy Adams-American Hustle
2.Streep 3. Dench 4. Blanchett 5. Bullock

Best Supporting Actor: [ this one is very close ]  Jonah Hill- Wolf of Wall St.
2.Cooper 3. Abdi  4.Leto  5. Fassbender

Best Supporting Actress : Sally Hawkins- Blue Jasmine
2. Squibb 3.Lawrence 4.Roberts 5. Nyong’o

Best Directing : Alfonso Cuaron- Gravity
2.Russell 3. Scorcese  4. Payne 5. McQueen

Best Film : [ this one was extremely difficult and don’t quote me on this one because all the films nominated were released between 10/4 and 12/26 so there is very little difference between their charts.

Winner: Dallas Buyer’s club

Too little difference to rank the others 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

March 2014

  Hello friends !

It’s a big week Astrotravelers as one of those big energy shifts is upon us so I thought I would share with you what to expect in the next week or so .

So here’s all the Astro geek stuff for those of you so inclined:

Fri. Feb 28th- Mercury goes direct in Aquarius @ 9:00 a.m.
                        Moon enters Pisces @9:53 a.m.
                       Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces@ 6:17 p.m.
                        Sun in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer@11:05 p.m.

Sat. March 1st- New Moon in Pisces @2:59 a.m.
                      Mars stationary retrograde in Libra @ 11:24 a.m.

Sunday March 2nd – Saturn stations retrograde in Scorpio @11:19 a.m. 

Wed. March 5th- Venus enters Aquarius @ 4:03 p.m.

Thursday March 6th – Jupiter stations direct in Cancer @5:42 a.m.

So what does all of this mean ?  Let’s break it down into bite size pieces so as not to stuff our gullet .

Now remember that when a planet stations [ changes speed ] that the energy of that planet is felt much stronger for the week before and at least a few days afterwards. We have stations by Mercury, Mars and Saturn all within 5 days plus a sign change by Venus.

Fri. Feb 28th- Mercury goes direct in Aquarius @ 9:00 a.m.
                        Moon enters Pisces @9:53 a.m.
                      Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces@ 6:17 p.m.
                        Sun in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer@11:05 p.m.

Oh my gosh it’s a Friday Fishie fry ..all about Pisces ! Do you want to take time to listen to your intuition? Do you have things to manifest? Do you want some quiet?  Do you want time to meditate ? Friday through early Sunday you have lots of great energy for all of these things. Unplug and tune into your inner technology!

Sat. March 1st- New Moon in Pisces @2:59 a.m.
                        Mars stationary retrograde in Libra @ 11:24 a.m…Mars stationary in Libra .. are people angry ? You’re damn right they are ..anywhere where they feel they aren’t being treated fairly. Are you perhaps treating someone else unfairly?  Equality and balance are needed here. I'm sure you've seen the angry outbursts already by people the last few days.

Sunday March 2nd – Saturn stations retrograde in Scorpio @11:19 a.m. ..okay so Saturn has been cruising along and has mad trines or conjunctions to Jupiter, Chiron , The North Node, Neptune and others over the last 2  [ almost ] years. So now Saturn gets ready for one more retrograde in Scorpio before it leaves this sign near the end of the year. Saturn is all about learning lessons and discipline of course. What did we learn during our relationship and structure revaluing phase  of the last 4 months or so ?

Wed. March 5th- Venus enters Aquarius @ 4:03 p.m.
Finally after months and months of Venus in Capricorn  it will finally leave goatland and move onto Aquarius..surprises..excitement , shocks ..all of the above!!

Thursday March 6th – Jupiter stations direct in Cancer @5:42 a.m.
…..what was going on last November 7th when Cancer stationed and went retrograde at 20 Cancer ? What big picture and philosophical things were you working on at the time? Where are 10-20 degrees of Cancer in your chart. You will revisit these themes as Cancer goes back over it’s shadow.

So overall the Cardinal grand square is still loosely in effect as is the Water grand trine. We are walking the line between physical limitations and spirit! Good luck to all!